Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 6

Day 36


Use your reading chart to find the chapters you still need to read to be caught up through:

Mosiah 25 or If you’re up to date with your reading, take time to study: Mosiah 14-15

Abinadi quoted Isaiah to testify of the Savior. What did Isaiah teach about Christ? What can you learn about the Savior from Abinadi’s testimony?

Day 37

Read: Mosiah 26-28

Mark: 26:29-30

“You always need to confess your sins to the Lord. If they are serious transgressions, such as immorality, they need to be confessed to a bishop or stake president. Please understand that confession is not repentance. It is an essential step, but is not of itself adequate. Partial

confession by mentioning lesser mistakes will not help you resolve a more serious, undisclosed transgression. Essential to forgiveness is a willingness to fully disclose to the Lord and, where necessary, His priesthood judge all that you have done.”

~ Elder Richard G. Scott

Why is confession an essential part of repentance?

Day 38

Read: Mosiah 29 – Alma 1

Mark: Alma 1:6, 16

“The Nephite prophets repeatedly identified the wearing of costly clothing with apostasy and failure to live by gospel standards.”

~ Elder Bruce R. McConkie

What might your way of dressing say about you?

Day 39

Read: Alma 2-4

Mark: Alma 2:18, 28

“Safety can’t be won by tanks and guns and airplanes and atomic bombs. There is only one place of safety and that is in the realm of the Almighty God that he gives to those who keep his

commandments and listen to his voice.”

~ President Harold B. Lee

Why were the Nephites strengthened by the Lord? How can we receive the Lord’s help in the challenges we face?

Day 40

Read: Alma 5-6

Mark: Alma 5:14, 26

“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ

can change human nature.”

~ President Ezra Taft Benson

What would someone see in your countenance?

Day 41

Read: Alma 7-9

Mark: Alma 7:11-12

“To succor means to ‘run to.’ I testify that in my fears and in my infirmities the Savior has surely run to me. I will never be able to thank Him enough for such personal kindness and such loving care.”

~ Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Why is it helpful to remember that the Savior knows what it’s like to have your problems?

Day 42

Read: Alma 10-11

Mark: Alma 11:42-44

“What a comfort to know that all who have been disadvantaged in life from birth defects, from mortal injuries, from disease, or from the natural deterioration of old age will be resurrected in

‘proper and perfect frame.’”

~ Elder Dallin H. Oaks

How does it bring you hope knowing that because of Christ we will all live again?

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